Friday, June 10, 2011


Try: To make an effort to do or accomplish (something); attempt.

Everyday someone out there is trying.  Trying to do something, to accomplish something.  We try everyday and get up in the mornings.  Usually we accomplish something in a day that we try to do. 
Well lately it is feeling like I am doing a whole lot of trying with a little accomplishment.  I am getting to the point where I am tired of it.  Tired of being the only one trying.  I don't know how much more I can try.  The push towards the goals is getting longer instead of shorter.  Everyday is becoming a battle of will.  A battle at being the one.  Is it getting close to waving the white flag and putting away all will to work to reach the goal.  When two people have come so far, has work so hard to fight to give love to each other.  Where do you draw the line at when there is only one person trying at it.  Where do you put your foot down and learn that trying is just becoming to much to handle anymore.  That you trying will never be good enough to win the battle.  Where does all of this stuff just stop and you say enough is enough. 

Loving: to have love or affection for.

We do this everyday.  Love.  A four letter word that makes the world goes around it seems like.  But love is sometimes never enough it seems like.  I wish with everything in me that love could just fix everything.  That loving someone would just be enough for once.  But it feels like it ain't.  That no matter how hard you try to love someone that your try is not enough.  That your feel and affection is not what they want.

Relationship: A particular type of connection existing between people related to or having dealings with each other

We have all kinds of relationships.  Friends, family, and once we have that relationship with the love of our lives we are hooked.  To have that relationship with that soul mate is everything.  But what if that relationship that we thought we had with that soul mate was falling apart.  What do you do then.  That relationship that you are fighting like hell to keep together, the one you are praying for every secon of everyday.  How to do stop that relationship from falling apart, from becoming something a thing of the past.  When all you want is the true future.

I am hoping for some answers to these questions.  To know that the trying and the fighting is not going to be for nothing.  That what we had that was so amazing just two years ago has not been lost forever.  To know that the love we had is right there and can be so amazing once more.


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