Tuesday, June 1, 2010

All Night...

So yes I have pulled one of my famous all-nighters.  Instead of going to bed anytime tonight I just stayed up all night.  I really do think it happens when I get to be beside Jesse all weekend and then not having him here kills me.  I just get so use to know that if I need him he will be there and really cant do that if I am in Anderson and He is in Liberty.
But I have chosen that I am going to stop bring up the whole marriage thing.  I am just tired of talking about it and feeling like it goes in one ear and out the other.  Yea don't get me wrong I really wish it would all change and we would get married but who know.

Ok I am just running my mouth now.  I am going to try to take a little nap before I have to get ready for the day


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