Saturday, June 12, 2010

Long Overdue Update

I have been so busy the past few weeks I really haven't had time for updating, but I have seem to finally found some time to update this thing.  
   Summer is finally underway and it is have been full of nothing but work.  But I guess that is ok.  Last Friday though was a half and half day.  That day I got off work and come home and went to bed.  After getting some much needed sleep, I woke up to an amazing text message from Jess asking me out on a date.  I mean really he really didn't have to ask me cause I will always say yes.  So we went out to eat at Texas Roadhouse and had just an amazing time together.  Of course we had to go to the mall cause what else is there to do in Anderson.  After just the few fun hours the night come tumbling down.  My mama called us to come to my aunt's house so she could explain to us that my Aunt Nise has Stage 3-A Breast Cancer. 
   So now the next few months is going to be a fight.  She went to the doctor this week and they are starting a very powerful form of chemo next Friday.  They are hoping that the chemo will decease the size of the tumor so they can do surgery and get all the cancer.  The chemo can go on anywhere from 12-18 weeks going once every 3 weeks.  Our family is asking for prayers so everyone keep us in yours.
   So now I am pretty much caught up on the blog.  So hopefully something will go on the is a little more happier and exciting happen soon.

1 comment:

  1. hey girly
    I will be praying for you and and ur Aunt. Cancer is one mean thing. Just keep faith and pray. God protects His children.

    I like u blog layout/style its cute.

    lots of love
