Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Late Nights...

Hey guys...
Hope everyone had a great day yesterday and hopefully will have a great day today.  It is like 3 in the morning and Jess is just now getting off so I still have about 30 more minutes till I head to bed.  I will truly be glad when he gets off this crazy schedule and Our live can go back to working on a some what normal schedule.  Now do not get my wrong, I love the fact that Jess works second so I get to see more of him during the week and He gets to stay here every night during the week but three so I think four out of seven is so much better than two out of seven.  I just wish we could go to bed together at a reasonable hour and not at 4 in the morning.
Anyways now that I have got that off my chest I can finally let yall in on how today was.  I will have to admit that we really didn't get out of be till 1:30 this afternoon.  I know we were complete lazy butts.  But anyways after taking forever to get up and get ready, we finally went to BK to eat lunch.  Ok now for real this is a promise...If I have to eat another BK Hamburger again in the next few weeks I am going to scream.  But anyways after eating lunch Jess left for lunch leaving me here to keep the dog.  So Me and him went to my aunt mot's for a little while and ran around town for her.  Then about 8:30 I went to eat dinner with Jess in Greenville where he is working tonight.  Then I came home and have been taking care of the dog and knitting for a while trying to kill time before he gets of.  Wish I am really ready to hit my pillow.  Of course Spunky has been sleeping away in my lap.
So tonight I have made a choice that I really need to do something about the way I am looking these days.  With just my clothes and stuff.  Ok yes I could lose a few pounds but no 35-40 lbs like I lost this time last year.  I was just looking about how I could just cut out all the snacking I do at home and there goes a few of the pounds I need to lose.  Hopefully then I can be happy that I look really good for Jess.  So who know maybe it will all work itself out.  But I am going to hop off here, so I can make the bed up somewhat and go open the door so Jess can get in when he gets here which he just called saying he was on 85 so it should be about 20mins now so...Hopefully I can post something tomorrow or something.  Hope everyone has a great day.
Love Kenz<3

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